Roman Republic
Ancient Numismatics – Authentic Roman Republican coins in the Alte Roemer Gallery
The time of the Roman Republic is one of the most fascinating periods for ancient numismatics. Whether you buy a Denarius of Sulla, Caesar or Octavian, with this coin you will own a real and authentic piece of history from an era that even now continues to influence and inspire our society. Here you can also find very special pieces, like one of the rare Republican Aurei or a Protodenarius from the beginnings of the Republican silver coinage. Unique and special are the Legionary Denarii issued by Mark Antony, which were in circulation around the Roman Empire even centuries after the death of Antonius and Cleopatra. Finally, you will also find a variety of coins by the Republican mints from the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C. It would be our pleasure to work with you individually on your personal collection, and help you find special pieces that you would like to add to it. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time via email or using our contact form. Correspondence is welcome in English, German, Italian, French, Russian or Japanese.-
Extremely fine Marc Antony Denarius - LEG XI
Beautiful dark patina. Commemorating the Legio XI formed by M. Anton, while a Legio XI Actiaca fought in the Actium campaign serving Octavian.