
Vitae Caesarum - Compiled biographies of the Roman Emperors from the 16th century

Object number
Object:        Vitae Caesarum, an early compilation of the biographies of Roman Emperors. While the style and collatio are following Sueton's famous De Vitae Caesarum, this edition is much richer, including the works of many other ancient authors as a source.
With 2 printer's marks and many woodcut initials.
Partially edited by the famous Erasmus of Rotterdam and Giovanni Battista Egnazio.

C. Suetonius Tranquillus
Aelius Spartianus
Aelius Lampridius
Trebellius Pollio
Pomponius Laetus
Dion Cassius
Iulius Capitolinus
Vulcatius Gallicanus
Flavius Vopiscus
Sex. Aurelius Victor
Io. Baptista Egnatius
Eutropii libri X. integrati pristinae redditi.
Ammianus Marcelinus longe alius quam antehac unquam.
Annotationes D. Erasmi Rot. & Baptistae Egnatii in vitas Caess.

Accesserunt in hac editione Velleii Paterculi libri II. ab innumeris denuo vendicati erroribus, addito indice copiosissimo.

Collation::    1 empty sheet
1 title page with large printer's mark, C. Suetonii Tranvilli Vita on recto
3 sheets: Dedication by Erasmus of Rotterdam: ILLVSTRISSIMIS SAXOniae dvcibvs, federico sacri imperi electori etc.
6 sheets: Annotata
810 pages, thereof #471/472 empty.
33 sheets: Index
1 empty page, on recto printer's mark
1 empty sheet

H. Froben & N. Episcopius, Basel, September 1546

Format: Folio, 34 cm x 23 cm.
Half-leather binding from the 19th century

Condition: Overall, very good condition, appropriate for the age of the volume. Pages partially slightly brown or stained, few notes on margins. Hand-written ownership note on first page. Half-leather binding from the 19th century, book case almost loose.

References: Vander Haeghen II, 31
Graesse III, 303
Schweiger II. 384
Graesse, as well as Schweiger, highlight the edition by an unknown but very perceptive and learned scholar.

Provenance: Acquired 2021 from a German antiquarian auction house.

Echtheit: Die Echtheit wird, wie bei allen unseren Objekten, ohne zeitliche Einschränkung garantiert.