Sold antiquities
Archive of sold antiquities
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Near Eastern cylinder seal
The seal of black stone bears a scene with four noblemen or gods. Late Syrian, around 1500 BC.
Price: on requestRoman intaglio with vaseThe Roman ring insert is made of purple glass paste that imitates amethyst. It depicts a tall vase.
Price: on requestRoman intaglio with snail shellThe Roman decorative insert is made of beautiful purple glass paste, imitating amethyst. Interesting depiction.
Price: on requestRoman intaglio with animalRoman jewellery insert made of purple glass paste, imitating amethyst. From the Professor Brosch collection of engraved gems.
Price: on requestRoman tallow oil lamp from the RhinelandFound 1966 - 1981 near the Roman city of Novaesium, today's Neuss in Germany. Novaesium was an early Roman foundation and with this is one of the oldest cities in Germany.
Price: on requestVespasian denarius from Wishanger hoardThe reverse shows the urn of Vespasian on a column. Great patina. Found 2021 in East Hampshire, UK. The hoard is a very impressive proof of the fact that coins were in circulation for up to several centuries in the Roman era.
Price: on requestGreek Guttos with bearded male headFrom the Greek colonies of Southern Italia, Magna Graecia. 4th - early 3rd century B.C. Ex German private collection, acquired at Schloss Ricklingen May 1979 auction, Germany.
Price: on requestEgyptian amulet of BesProtective amulet with dwarf god Bes. A typical specimen for its kind from Ancient Egypt.
Price: on requestPaleolithic hand axePrehistoric stone tool. It was the universal tool of the older Stone age and could be used as a borer or a cutter. From a Swiss museum collection. Found in the Algerian Sahara desert.
Price: on requestPaleolithic hand axePrehistoric stone tool. It was the universal tool of the older Stone age and could be used as a borer or a cutter. From a Swiss museum collection. Found in the Algerian Sahara desert.
Price: on requestAugustus denarius from Wishanger hoardReverse showing Caius Caesar galloping right, eagle between two vexilla behind him. Found 2021 in East Hampshire, UK. The hoard is a very impressive proof of the fact that coins were in circulation for up to several centuries in the Roman era.
Price: on requestRoman oil lamp from the RhinelandSo-called "Factory Lamp". Found 1966 - 1981 near the Roman city of Novaesium, today's Neuss in Germany. Novaesium was an early Roman foundation and with this is one of the oldest cities in Germany.
Price: on requestJulius Caesar Denarius from Wishanger hoardFound 2021 in East Hampshire, UK. The hoard is a very impressive proof of the fact that coins were in circulation for up to several centuries in the Roman era.
Price: on requestThree Roman legionary tiles from the Rhineland2x LEG VI (Victrix), 70 - 104 AD, and 1x LEG XVI (Gallica), 43 - 70 AD. Found 1966 till 1981 near the Roman city of Novaesium, today's Neuss in Germany. Novaesium was an early Roman foundation and with this is one of the oldest cities in Germany.
Price: on requestRoman Celtic seal boxLozenge shaped body with lid in Celtic design. A piece from the 1st or 2nd century, found near the Celtic settlement and later Roman town of Lindum. Published in a standard work by Richard Hattatt.
Price: on requestRoman seal boxPiriform body with engraved cross on the lid. A piece from the Roman Imperial period. Published in a standard work by Richard Hattatt.
Price: on requestVespasian denarius from Wishanger hoardBeautiful dark patina. Reverse showing yoke of oxen. Found 2021 in East Hampshire, UK. The hoard is a very impressive proof of the fact that coins were in circulation for up to several centuries in the Roman era.
Price: on requestRoman Terra Sigillata plate from the RhinelandFound near the Roman city of Novaesium, today's Neuss in Germany, an early Roman foundation and with this one of the oldest cities in Germany.
Price: on requestRoman glass pitcherFine and beautifully decorated glass pitcher from Roman Palestine, probably from an ancient workshop in what is now Jalamah. Around 500 AD.
Price: on requestRoman glass inkwellLow vessel of cylindrical shape. The stylus was dipped into the ancient inkwell and wiped off at the edge. Beautiful, rich green glass.
Price: on requestRoman intaglio with wolf and twinsRoman jewellery insert made of beautiful turquoise glass paste. It shows a she-wolf with the twins Romulus and Remus.
Price: on requestRoman intaglio with hippocampusBeautiful depiction of the popular mythical creature from Greek and Roman art. Glass paste from the Roman period.
Price: on requestRoman intaglio with animalsRoman jewellery insert made of transparent orange glass paste with a white band. From the Professor Brosch collection of engraved gems.
Price: on requestRoman bronze phallus amulettApotropaic amulet to protect agains the evil eye. From an old Swiss private collection, acquired in the 1970s - 1980s.
Price: on requestFaustina II. denariusRome mint, 161 - 175 A.D. The reverse shows Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre, peacock at foot left.
Price: on requestTwo Roman jugs from the RhinelandFound 1966 till 1981 near the Roman city of Novaesium, today's Neuss in Germany. Novaesium was an early Roman foundation and with this is one of the oldest cities in Germany.
Price: on requestRoman Republican denarius of Renius from Wishanger hoardBiga driven by goats on reverse. Found 2021 in East Hampshire, UK. The hoard is a very impressive proof of the fact that coins were in circulation for up to several centuries in the Roman era.
Price: on requestThree small Roman Terra Sigillata bowls with potters' marks from the RhinelandFound near the Roman city of Novaesium, today's Neuss in Germany, an early Roman foundation and with this one of the oldest cities in Germany.
Price: on requestRoman earrings with shieldMatching pair of gold jewellery with semi-spherical shield and blue glass bead. From the Roman Imperial period.
Price: on requestLuristan bronze figurine of an ibexMassive bronze pendant in the shape of a standing ibex with long horns. From Iron Age Luristan.
Price: on requestRoman Republican denarius with galley from Wishanger hoardObverse showing janiform heads of the Dioscuri. Found 2021 in East Hampshire, UK. The hoard is a very impressive proof of the fact that coins were in circulation for up to several centuries in the Roman era.
Price: on requestPublished Jerusalem oil lamp of Herodian shape from Adler collectionLamp from a type dating to the lifetime of Jesus Christ. From the famous Judge Dr. Steve Adler collection. Exported from Israel with IAA permit Nr. 53397.
Price: on requestCorinthian aryballos with siren between swansSmall vase of fine craftsmanship, interesting scene, mid of 6th century BC. Acquired December 01, 1987, at Charles Ede, London, original papers are preserved.
Price: on requestVery large Roman mortarium from the RhinelandFound near the Roman city of Novaesium, today's Neuss in Germany, an early Roman foundation and with this one of the oldest cities in Germany.
Price: on requestRoman oil lamp from the RhinelandSo-called "Factory Lamp". Found 1966 - 1981 near the Roman city of Novaesium, today's Neuss in Germany. Novaesium was an early Roman foundation and with this is one of the oldest cities in Germany.
Price: on request