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Authentic an­cient art and an­tiqui­ties with a life­time gua­ran­tee of au­then­ticity

Buying ancient art and antiquities is a matter of trust. Thus, every time when you want to buy an ancient artefact, the following question might arise: Is the item genuinely ancient? What do statements such as “guaranteed genuine” or “guarantee of authenticity” mean when acquiring antiquities?
A “guarantee of authenticity” grants you as a customer the right to return an ancient artefact, in case serious doubts arise regarding the authenticity of the item. Since reproductions and excessive repairs of an ancient item are often not recognized until you hold the item in your hands, or even at a later moment in time, we from the Alte Roemer Gallery offer our valued customers a non-expiring guarantee of authenticity for all purchased items.

In case you require additional documentation about a purchased object, e.g. for import / export or investment matters, we will be pleased to send you a certificate of authenticity or to support you in obtaining an independent expert opinion.
For over a century, purchasing genuine Roman, Greek or Egyptian antiquities is a major challenge for collectors. The so-called "Grand Tour" souvenirs from late 19th century flooded the international art market not only with genuine antiquities but also with their fake counterparts, making it difficult for non-experts and even for experts to distinguish between them. Nowadays, archaeometrical analyses can be applied to distinguish between a well-made reproduction and the original. However, an experienced eye is remaining crucial and more important than ever.

The Alte Roemer Gallery is your reliable partner to support you with our expertise any time!