Published objects
Published objects
Several works of art and artefacts that are or have been in our online gallery are published in literature. We often receive requests concerning published objects when more research or other publications on them are planned. Therefore we will give a list of published objects without this list being claimed to be exhaustive. If you are researching artefacts that have once been handled by our gallery or you would like to investigate an object still in our possession please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to help.
Vollständiger römischer Ritualspiegel
Spiegel aus Blei und Glas mit ornamentalem Dekor. Vollständige Ritualspiegel sind eine außerordentliche Seltenheit. 51,0 Gramm schwer. Aus dem 3. bis 4. Jh. n. Chr.
Price: on requestScarab with cartoucheAmulet from the Late Period. The stamp is in great condition. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with two cartouches of Thutmose III.Interesting amulet from the New Kingdom or a later period made in archaic style. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with cartouche of Thutmose III.Amulet from the New Kingdom for one of the most popular rulers in ancient Egyptian history. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with sphinxThe stamp depicts a human headed sphinx walking towards the Ankh symbol of life. The amulet should exert a protective function on the one carrying or owning it.
Price: on requestScarab with falcon headed godInteresting scarab amulet from the Second Intermediate Period. The seal shows a falcon headed creature facing an Egyptian cobra. This scarab can be found in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab from the Second Intermediate PeriodThe lower side shows a scarab, flanked by two uraeus snakes. 13th to 15th dynasty of ancient Egpyt. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with hieroglyphs arranged in a patternThe lower side is skillfully decorated with hieroglyphs forming a geometric pattern. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with sphinxThe stamp depicts a sphinx with pharaoh headcloth walking towards the Ankh symbol of life. The amulet should exert a protective function on the one carrying or owning it.
Price: on requestScarab with the Red Crown of Lower EgyptThe scene can be seen as worship of the Deshret, the symbol of the kings of Lower Egypt during Hyksos times. An interesting piece of evidence of the Hyksos rule over Egypt.
Price: on requestEgyptian scarab with papyrus plantsScarab amulet made of bright, almost white steatite. 13th to 15th dynasty. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestRoman fibula from the Richard Hattatt collectionLozenge-shaped ancient roman fibula. The piece is published in the standard work "Iron Age and Roman Brooches". Found in Britain.
Price: on requestPublished Roman fibula with celtic designAncient fibula from the Roman province of Britain. The design can be attributed to the celtic tribe of the Trinovantes or Iceni. From the famous Hattatt collection. Published twice.
Price: on requestAncient fibula from the Hattatt collectionAncient fibula of the rare adlocutio type. Repoussé work of a scene from a Roman sestertius of Hadrian in celtic style. Find from Dorset in Roman Britain. Published in Hattatts famous book series on ancient fibulae.
Price: on requestRare plate brooch with millefiori enamelBrooch from Roman Imperial time, found in Roman Britain. It is an extremely rare and interesting type. The brooch is published in Richard Hattatt's standard work "Ancient Brooches and Other Artefacts" and discussed in detail.
Price: on requestCeltic fibula from the famous Hattatt collectionFibula from the La Tène II period. Found in Celtic Carnuntum. The piece is published in the standard work "Iron Age and Roman Brooches".
Price: on requestScarab with geometric motiveThe lower side exhibits wrapped cords. A nice example of Egyptian art during the Second Intermediate Period. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with lotus motiveAncient Egyptian amulet seal with beautiful motive. Six lotus flowers are forming volutes. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestEgyptian ScarabThe Egyptian scarab has a central cross on the stamp side. The piece dates to the 21st dynasty of Ancient Egypt. It is described in the catalogue of Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with scarab motiveThe stamp side shows a scarab with two uraeus snakes. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestSmall scarab amulet with Isis hieroglyphsThe tiny amulet dates to the New Kingdom. It bears the glyphs for the goddess Isis. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScaraboid with twisted cordScaraboid seal amulet with a twisted cord motive. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScaraboid with Red Crowns of Lower EgyptThe hieroglyphs on the lower side symbolize the rule over Lower Egypt. The rising sun is symbolized above. This scaraboid is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestEgyptian steatite plaqueThe protective amulet shows the god Bes between two seated monkeys. Late Period of ancient Egypt. This piece is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestEgyptian tomb relief from MemphisThe flat relief shows an offering scene and above a hieroglyphic text describing the deceased Ptah-nefer, the priest and the offerings. A translation has been made by the renowned Egyptologist professor Kurth. The work of art dates to the 26th dynasty. It is adopting the style of the Old Kingdom.
€21,800Roman bronze from famous "Museum fuer Morgenlandfahrer"Massive bronze figurine of a dancing boy, beautiful dark patina, 1st-2nd century AD
Price: on requestPublished byzantine bronze oil lampFrom the famous "Museum für Morgenlandfahrer". An almost identical specimen is on exhibition in the Hanover Kestner Museum.
Price: on requestPublished Parthian clay horse and riderThe clay figurine probably originates in Syria. It dates to achaemenide to parthian times. 6. cent. BC to 2nd cent. AD.
Price: on requestRoman bronze strainer from "Museum fuer Morgenlandfahrer"Large piece in very good condition with nice patina. On display in "Ex Oriente Lux" exhibition, published in the corresponding catalogue.
Price: on requestRoman fibula from the Richard Hattatt collectionLozenge-shaped ancient roman fibula. The piece is published in the standard work "Iron Age and Roman Brooches". Found in Norfolk, England.
Price: on requestHellenistic vase from "Museum fuer Morgenlandfahrer"Nice example of ancient pottery, good condition. From an old museum collection.
Price: on requestPublished bracelet with Luristan ram headsNicely worked zoomorphic terminals with close parallels to achaemenide art. Dating to the early 1st Millenium BC.
Price: on requestScarab with magic spellThe hieroglyphs are of the so called anra design, a magic spell in the ancient Egyptian belief. The scarab is from the 13th to 15th dynasty. It is described in the catalogue of Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with pattern of circlesThe beetle stone bears a popular motive of the Middle Empire. A nice example of its kind. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with geometric motiveThe motive exhibits two symmetry axes and at least six triangles. A wonderful artistic expression of the highly evolved Egyptian maths. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on requestScarab with geometric motiveThe lower side exhibits a symmetrical arrangements of cords, two of which are wrapped around each other. This scarab is described in the catalogue of Irène Gautier-Vodoz.
Price: on request