Egyptian - Greek
Ancient Numismatics – Authentic ancient Greek coins in the Alte Roemer Gallery
By buying an ancient Greek coin you obtain an authentic piece of history that goes back to the very beginnings of coinage. It was back in the 7th century BC when pieces of metal coined with symbols or images, today known as coins, began to prevail in trade instead of the traditional barter. At the beginning these early coins often bore images of animals and were made of gold or silver. Although no single and “internationally” accepted monetary system existed and every city coined its own currency, slowly the Attic Tetradrachm (Tetradrachmon) with its subunits (Stater, Drachm, Obol and others) started to dominate. Especially impressive are the Attic tetradrachms bearing the image of an owl. Other very popular pieces from the ancient Greek numismatics are Drachms, Tetradrachms and gold Staters of Alexander the Great and the Diadochi. It would be our pleasure to work with you individually on your personal collection, and help you find special pieces that you would like to add to it. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time via email or using our contact form. Correspondence is welcome in English, German, Italian, French, Russian or Japanese.-
Cleopatra VII. hemiobol with nicely preserved portrait
Bronze worth 40 Drachmai, Alexandria mint, 51 - 30 BC: Great portrait of the famous last Ptolemaic queen. After her death Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire.