
Ancient art daily

Dear valued customers,

dear friends of ancient art,

We from the Alte Roemer Gallery team wish you and your families a happy, healthy and successful new year!

It probably will sound familiar: the beginning of the winter season is hardly noticed, the days are flying by and when we realize that Christmas is approaching we are surprised how fast the last year has passed. But as soon as the holiday season is over, everything changes. The short days and long evenings seem to crawl and spring seems to be incredibly far away. To "sweeten" this time, giving you something to really look forward to every day, we have come up with a very special present:

Starting today and until Easter, every evening at 8:15 pm German time you will find in our online gallery a newly added ancient artefact. Beautiful black and red figure Greek vases, polychrome Apulian pottery, sculptures made from stone and terra cotta, ancient bronze weapons, Roman glass, treasures from the Ancient Near East and many more will await you. Just visit our gallery and let it be a surprise which treasure you will discover.

Last but not least: if you wonder why you do not find any new object, it is probably already sold and is listed in our archive. So do not wait too long...
