
Portraiture and sculpture - Iron Age - Middle East - Photo gallery


Image database with photographs of ancient art and antiquities

Our image database provides photographs of ancient art and antiquities for press releases as well as for private use. All artefacts sold in our gallery are documented through professional photographs. The resulting image library contains numerous ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities as well as ancient coins. The time span from Stone Age, over Bronze Age and Classical Antiquity until Late Antiquity is covered.

The photo gallery aims at providing a vast visual archive equipped with filters and search tools. You are most welcome to search the constantly growing number of artefacts in the image library. We are also happy to authorize hyperlinks from your webpage / forum to the objects depicted in our gallery. For this purpose, please send us a short notification prior to placing a hyperlink. For almost every object high definition photographs are available and can be provided e.g. to document your collection or for scientific papers or popular science articles. If you are interested in using pictures for publications, print media or other purposes, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Items 1-36 of 93

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  1. Keltische Bronzefigur aus Ostengland
    Keltische Bronzefigur aus Ostengland

    Stark stilisierte keltische Figur aus einem alten Fund in Suffolk, England. Auf Sockel montiert. Spannendes Belegstück eisenzeitlicher Kulthandlungen aus der Zeit vor der Romanisierung.

    Price: on request
  2. Kleine ägyptische Bronzefigur des Nefertem
    Kleine ägyptische Bronzefigur des Nefertem

    Wunderbare Erhaltung mit schöner, braun-grün patinierter Oberfläche. Ca. 664 v. Chr. bis 332 v. Chr., Spätzeit des Alten Ägypten.

    Price: on request
  3. Media Label
    Große ägyptische Bronzefigur des Nefertem

    Wunderbare Erhaltung mit schöner, braun-grün patinierter Oberfläche. Ca. 664 v. Chr. bis 332 v. Chr., Spätzeit des Alten Ägypten. Massiv, Gewicht 49,7 Gramm.

    Price: on request
  4. Ägyptisches Amulett der Isis
    Ägyptisches Amulett der Isis

    Amulett aus Fayence mit Darstellung der Isis. Die Göttin trägt ein Gewand und eine dreigeteilte Perrücke, auf dem Kopf den Thronsitz. Spätzeit des Alten Ägyptens.

    Price: on request
  5. Ägyptisches Amulett des Sonnengottes Ra
    Ägyptisches Amulett des Sonnengottes Ra

    Männlichem Körper mit Lendenschurz, darauf Falkenkopf mit Sonnenscheibe. Spätzeit des Alten Ägyptens. Aus der Sammlung des Ägyptologen Dr. Müller-Feldmann.

    Price: on request
  6. Große Statuette des Ptah-Sokar-Osiris
    Große Statuette des Ptah-Sokar-Osiris

    Gott der Erde und des Pflanzenwachstums, dargestellt in Mumienhaltung. 45cm hohe Holzfigur mit Resten vom Bemalung. Spätzeit bis ptolemäische Zeit, 664 bis 30 v. Chr.

    Price: on request
  7. Gesichtsurne der Lausitzer-Kultur
    Gesichtsurne der Lausitzer-Kultur

    Seltenes anthropomorphes Gefäß, 1300 bis 500 v. Chr. Eindrucksvolle 24cm hoch. Komplett erhalten mit Deckel. Aus der Sammlung Dr. Rüssmann.

    Price: on request
  8. Osirisstatuette aus Bronze
    Osirisstatuette aus Bronze

    Museales Stück mit wunderschöner, dunkler Patina. Ein sehr ähnliches, schlechter erhaltenes Stück ist im Metropolitan Museum of Arts ausgestellt.

    Price: on request
  9. Gesichtsurne mit Deckel, Lausitzer Kultur
    Gesichtsurne mit Deckel, Lausitzer Kultur

    Äußerst seltener und beliebter Gefäßtyp der Lausitzer Kultur. Etwa 1300 bis 500 v. Chr., Übergang zwischen Bronze- und Eisenzeit in Europa. Komplett erhalten, inklusive Deckel.

    Price: on request
  10. Ägyptisches Bes-Amulett
    Ägyptisches Bes-Amulett

    26. bis 30. Dynastie, Altes Ägypten. Amulett in Form der ägyptischen Gottheit Bes in hockender Haltung, auf flachem Podest. Kopf und Haartracht fehlend.

    Price: on request
  11. Isis-Amulett, museale Fayence für Votivzwecke
    Isis-Amulett, museale Fayence für Votivzwecke

    Isis auf Thron sitzend mit dem Horusknaben auf dem Schoß. Außergewöhnliche Erhaltung, auch feine Details wie der fragile Kopf des Horuskindes sind erhalten. Mit 42 mm recht groß.

    Price: on request
  12. Isis-Amulett mit Horus
    Isis-Amulett mit Horus

    ägyptisches Amulett der sitzenden Isis mit Sohn Horus auf dem Schoß,blaugrüne Fayence, Kopf des Horus fehlt, ansonsten vollständig intakt. 24mm hoch.

    Price: on request
  13. Teil eines ägyptischen Amuletts
    Teil eines ägyptischen Amuletts

    Kopf aus Fayence. Ägypten. Ca. 10mm hoch. Provenienz ist die Sammlung T. Ronneaux, VAE, 1982.

    Price: on request
  14. Osirisfigur aus Bronze
    Osirisfigur aus Bronze

    Spätzeit-ptolomäische Epoche, menschliche Mumiengestalt mit Uräus-Krone und Königsbart

    Price: on request
  15. Amulettfragment einer löwenköpfigen Göttin - Sechmet
    Egyptian amulet of a lion headed goddess

    Attributed to Sekhmet, goddess of war and protection from illness. Very nice and detailed fayence work. Dating to the Third Intermediate Period to Late Period of Ancient Egypt.

    Price: on request
  16. Ägyptische Applike des Horussohnes Duamutef
    Applique of the Horus son Duamutef

    Bright turquise fayence. Duamutef is one of the four sons of Horus, well-known from the Canopic jars. He had an important protective function for the dead. Egypt, 8th to 4th cent. BC.

    Price: on request
  17. Amulett und Siegel mit Patäke kaufen
    Egyptian protective amulet and seal with Pataikos

    Dwarf god with knifes in his hands and Eye of Horus on his belly. The bottom side is made as a stamp seal with hieroglyphic inscription. Work of highest quality with fine details. Dating to the Third Intermediate Period.

    Price: on request
  18. Ägyptischen Skarabäus mit Lebensschleife kaufen
    Published Parthian clay horse and rider

    The clay figurine probably originates in Syria. It dates to achaemenide to parthian times. 6. cent. BC to 2nd cent. AD.

    Price: on request
  19. Keltische Reiterfigur mit Verzierungen
    Celtic rider figurine

    Massive, very well preserved bronze with impressive details.

    Price: on request
  20. Keltische Reiterfigur
    Celtic rider figurine

    Massive, very well preserved bronze.

    Price: on request
  21. Buy Bronze statuette of Isis nursing Horus
    Bronze statuette of nursing Isis

    Isis is shown in a very typical depiction as a mother, the archetype of the later Christian Nursing Madonna. The bronze figurine dates to the 22nd to 31st dynasty of Ancient Egypt.

    Price: on request
  22. Massive bronze panther figurine
    Massive bronze panther figurine

    Perfectly preserved with beautiful dark patina. About 1st half 1st millenium BC. Iron Age culture, Western Asia.

    Price: on request
  23. Massive bronze panther figurine
    Massive bronze panther figurine

    Perfectly preserved with beautiful dark patina. End of 2nd to 1st half 1st millenium BC. Iron Age culture, Western Asia.

    Price: on request
  24. Hittite bronze zebu figurine
    Hittite bronze zebu figurine

    Massive, perfectly preserved figurine with beautiful dark patina. End of 2nd to early 1st millenium BC. Ex Karl Kress auction 147 (May 5th 1969) Nr. 54.

    Price: on request
  25. Bronze zebu figurine with pedestal
    Bronze zebu figurine with pedestal

    Nicely preserved bronze figurine. About 1st half 1st millenium BC. Iron Age culture, Western Asia.

    Price: on request
  26. Hittite bronze zebu figurine
    Hittite bronze zebu figurine

    Massive, perfectly preserved figurine with beautiful dark patina. Second to early first millenium BC. Ex Karl Kress auction 147 (May 5th 1969) Nr. 57.

    Price: on request
  27. Zebu lying on altar, massive bronze
    Zebu lying on altar, massive bronze

    Perfectly preserved with beautiful dark patina. About 1st half 1st millenium BC. Iron Age culture, Western Asia.

    Price: on request
  28. Massive bronze goat figurine
    Massive hellenistic bronze goat figurine

    Perfectly preserved with beautiful dark patina. Probably hellenistic. Ex Karl Kress auction 182 (March 23-25 1982) Nr. 218.

    Price: on request
  29. Massive scythian silver figure of a deer
    Massive scythian silver figure of a deer

    Perfectly preserved, elaborated piece of art, produced by the nomadic tribes of Scythian cultures.

    Price: on request
  30. Massive bronze figurine of a lying ram
    Massive bronze figurine of a lying ram

    Nicely preserved animal figurine. End of 2nd to 1st half 1st millenium BC. Iron Age culture, Western Asia.

    Price: on request
  31. Massive Lorestan bronze pendant shaped as an ibex
    Massive Lorestan bronze pendant shaped as an ibex

    End of 2nd to 1st millennium BC, Iron Age. Perfectly preserved figurine with beautiful patina.

    Price: on request
  32. Massive Lorestan bronze pendant shaped as an ibex
    Massive Lorestan ibex-shaped bronze pendant

    Very nicely preserved figurine with strong patina. End of 2nd to 1st millennium BC, Iron Age. Ex Karl Kress auction 182 (March 23-25 1982) Nr. 216.

    Price: on request
  33. Massive Lorestan bronze pendant shaped as a bird
    Massive Lorestan bronze pendant shaped as a bird

    End of 2nd to 1st millennium BC, Iron Age. Perfectly preserved figurine with beautiful patina.

    Price: on request
  34. Bronze figurine of a bull
    Bronze votive figurine of a bull

    Nicely preserved bronze figurine. 2nd - 1st half 1st millenium BC. Bronze or Iron Age, Western Asia, probably Hittite.

    Price: on request
  35. Bronze figurine of a deer or stag
    Bronze figurine of a deer or stag

    Nicely preserved massive bronze figurine. End of 2nd - 1st half 1st millenium BC. Iron Age culture, Western Asia.

    Price: on request
  36. Bronze figurine of a horse
    Bronze figurine of a horse

    Nicely preserved massive bronze figurine. 2nd - 1st half 1st millenium BC. Western Asia.

    Price: on request
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